SoCS – 3/12/16 | Ball

This post is part of SoCS

So here is the thing I can have a ball doing a lot of things. One of things that I have a ball doing is going into my office on Saturdays when there is no one there and being able to get so much work done without any distractions.

Cruz and I have had many dogs over the years and we have such a hard time getting them to play fetch with a ball or their ropes or anything. Until now, my toddler who I had previously introduced to you all in the post One Liner Wednesday | Patty is His Name Oh!!!!!.


This toddler while harass us for our to play fetch with a ball, rope or any other toy!!! WE LOVE IT!!!!!!

The one thing that I have a ball doing the most is having fun and making my friends and colleagues laugh off their keesters!


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