Nixon is dead, isn’t he?

Let me preface by saying, I do not wish to offend anyone. If I write something political, religious or having to do with sexual orientation or addictions – it is simply my opinion or life experience. That being said, here it goes.

I mentioned in a post this week that I had not written since June and that I had a lot to say about the ridiculous election cycle in 2016.  I am not ashamed to say that I voted for Hillary Clinton, not because I truly agreed with all of her policies and where she wanted to take the country. I just truly believed she was the lesser of two evils.

President Donald Trump has been in office just a little over two months and we have seen nothing but distractions and distortions of the truth by not only Trump but also Sean Spicer, all of Trump’s cabinet and of the Republicans in the House and Senate.

From the time he announced he was running for President, he has consistently whined, complained and blamed everyone else for anything that goes wrong. He has disrespected women, African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Muslim Americans , the LGBTQ community – all the while never offering an apology. He tweets from both his personal Twitter account @realDonaldTrump and his Presidential Twitter account @POTUS. My opinion is that President Donald Trump tweets way to much and his tweets are not  professional, productive, nor are they necessary. I also feel many of his tweets are causing our allies to truly rethink their longtime relationship with the United States – which in the end will be very detrimental if we ever have to call on our allies in the event of a war etc.

We are all aware of the investigation regarding all of the alleged activity of the Russians in regard to their meddling in the 2016 presidential campaign in an effort to ensure Donald Trump was elected. We also know that several campaign officials, and others had many conversations with Russian individuals. Trump swears he has never met Vladimir Putin, but we know he has business holdings in Russia  My opinion on this is that there is definitely some connection between President Trump, members of his cabinet, his son in law, his business dealings and Russian individuals – if not Putin himself.

Now to the title of this post. I was only 7 when the Watergate scandal caused President Richard M. Nixon to be the only president to resign from the office. I am a history buff and love learning about our former presidents. We are all aware that Nixon throughout his political career was extremely paranoid, believing that people were always out to get him. He secretly taped every conversation he had in the Oval Office.

Today we have President Donald Trump who never takes responsibility for his words or actions. He continuously blames others for what he has said, done, or even actions that do go his way – example being the recently failed Republican healthcare bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act known as Obamacare. He has the nerve to accuse former President Barrack Obama of wiretapping Trump Tower during the 2016 presidential campaign – while providing ZERO EVIDENCE of such action.

Unfortunately the American people unwittingly elect President Richard Milhouse Nixon from the grave in electing President Donald J. Trump. I pray that this man will grow up and stay off Twitter. I also believe that one of three things will happen before his term ends and can run again: some crazy idiot will attempt to assassinate him (I do not wish this at all), we will wind up in World War III because of his disrespect and alienation of other countries, he will be impeached and we will be stuck with Mike Pence who is just as bad.

That’s “What’s Rattling My Cage!”

P.S. This was written on my iPad – I will do edits and links at a later time.


Why has it taken so long?

Tonight is the first time that I have logged into my blog since June 2016 and my last post was “Make the hurt stop, please!” after Cruz and I had endured five months of heartache and had lost 5 of our ten four legged babies Tippy, Buddy, Fluffy, Minnie “Doodle”, and Patty. 2016 ended with one more loss, our oldest Stitchy who Cruz had to send over the Rainbow Bridge on December 27th while I was still out of town visiting my family in Houston. He was 11 years 4 months and 10 days old. Even though I was out of town, I talked to him while it was happening.


Since June, I have had so many things that I wanted to write about, specifically politics – but my heart just was not in it. I am hoping that this first blog of the new year will get me moving because – YES – I do have a lot to say!

As we move forward and I begin to post more, I am sure that I will make some folks happy and I will probably anger some folks. That is the nature of the beast!

One other thing that happened since my last post is that I turned 50 on September 14th and have been dealing with a major breakdown and a deep depression. I ended 2 1/2 years of sobriety from alcohol addiction and cocaine addiction and I trying to find my way back – because unfortunately I made poor decisions and and took actions uncharacteristic of me that caused me to resign my position with the University of Texas at San Antonio on February 16th of this year which I had fought so hard to get back after my addictions caused me to leave in August 2013. I have a very close friend of 18 years that made this statement, “Greg, you worked so hard to get back into UTSA to prove everybody wrong, because everyone said that you would never get back. Was you proved them wrong and got back into the university – you busted your ass for a year or so and then sat your desk, knowing there nowhere for you to move in that department, and said NOW WHAT!!!”

So tonight as I close this blog, I ask NOW WHAT?

That’s “What’s Rattling my cage!”

Make the hurt stop, please!

So Cruz and I have always loved animals and over the 15 years together we have given loving homes to 14 dogs and two cats. All of them except three dogs and the cats have been rescues. Here are their stories and why I am asking for the hurt to be stopped.

I move in with Cruz in October 2001 bringing with me two cats Little Bit and Mammas and Cruz already had Daisymae a Dachshund/Chihuahua mix who he had had for 12 years already. These were the only babies we had until August 2005 when Stitch was born under our house, under my room, under my bed. His mother was the neighbors dog that really wanted to be my dog, hence her having 9 babies under our house. I got the pick of the litter.

In January 2006 our Buddy arrived in the neighborhood nasty and filthy needing a home and to be loved. Cruz named him Buddy because he quickly became Stitch’s buddy. In the summer of 2006 we had a little red puppy showed up needing to be loved and we named him Clifford. We did not know this, but Clifford was very sick and he was only with us for one week. I think heartworms because he died a very and painful death in my bed next to me.

In September 2007 we had to put Daisymae to sleep due to old age she was almost 20 human years old. A few months later we adopted an adorable little Dachshund/Chihuahua mix named Tippy. Come to find out Tippy was born two days after our Daisymae passed. She truly was born to come to our home.

In April 2009 I was out of town for my nieces wedding and I get a call from Cruz and he says “Have I got a surprise for you when you come home.” I was like what have you done? he had found a full blooded old man Dachshund outside of our restaurant we went to all the time. We named him Stretchie and he was with for almost two years until his tumor that was in operable prompted to send him Over the Rainbow Bridge right after Christmas in 2011.

In 2010 Sissy showed up in the neighborhood looking for a loving home. She really liked Cruz more and would never let me touch her. I told Cruz that if she ever let me hold her then that was it she would become part of our family. In May while I was on leave for hernia surgery Sissy decided to come up to me roll over on her back and let me rub her belly. I picked her up and took her in the house and put her in bed with Cruz. In August 2010 Missy who is our Supermodel of the world showed up and was living behind the gates of the church across the street. We began feeding her and she really liked me. I was playing with her and I was able to hold her in my and she was loving on, so she became part of our family.

In October 2011 a stray that Cruz had been feeding next door had a very large litter. The mother and all but of her puppies were picked up. So we brought in the lone puppy and we could never imagined how big she would be. Her name is Crissy after Christmas because we brought her in in December.

In July of 2012 our Missy became pregnant by either Stitch, Buddy or both. In late September she gave birth, in my bed right next to me, to a baby boy and a baby girl. We were planning to keep them but as they were growing we fell in love them. They became Fluffy and Little Bitty.

In March 2014 very early in my sobriety Cruz was picking me up from an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting when he saw this tiny little dog almost get hit by a bus. We brought Minnie (Doodle) home and loved for a little over two years. In July 2015 our Zailey showed up. She waltzed into the house and announced “I don’t care what you think, I am coming in and being part of your family.”  Of course I previously posted about Patty showing up on my mother Patricia’s birthday.

Why do tell you all of this? well since October 2015 we had 10 dogs. It seemed that all was fine with pack until January 4th when there was a pack attack on Tippy and she passed. Not long after that our Buddy was brutally attacked and he left us on 1/20. We continued to have aggression issues and on 2/6 we made the conscious decision to put Fluffy to sleep for the safety of the rest of the pack. On April 18th our littlest baby Minnie (Doodle) went to heaven due to age and failing health. Our Patty had recently begun jumping the fence and we were trying to find ways to correct this behavior. Last Friday 5/27 as I was walking home I found my Patty dead in the street. He had been hit, but not run over so I think he went quickly.

I am tired of all this pain, hurt and anger. I want the loss to stop in its tracks!



SoCS – 3/12/16 | Ball

This post is part of SoCS

So here is the thing I can have a ball doing a lot of things. One of things that I have a ball doing is going into my office on Saturdays when there is no one there and being able to get so much work done without any distractions.

Cruz and I have had many dogs over the years and we have such a hard time getting them to play fetch with a ball or their ropes or anything. Until now, my toddler who I had previously introduced to you all in the post One Liner Wednesday | Patty is His Name Oh!!!!!.


This toddler while harass us for our to play fetch with a ball, rope or any other toy!!! WE LOVE IT!!!!!!

The one thing that I have a ball doing the most is having fun and making my friends and colleagues laugh off their keesters!


One Liner Wednesday|It’s his job dammit, and yours to confirm!!!

So you get a two-fer!!

To the most RIDICULOUS REPUBLICANS in the Senate and Congress:

Regarding President Barrack Obama’s nomination of the next Supreme Court Justice due to the death of Antonin Scalia – “It’s his job dammit and it is yours to hold hearings and either confirm or vote the nominee down!!! READ THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES, I am quite sure that this is in there!!! 


#1linerWeds badge by

One Liner Wednesday is hosted by Linda G. Hill.

One Liner Wednesday|Will it end, or are we screwed?

So with the US primaries well under way will the Trump show ever end or are we bound to be screwed with a race between Trump and Sanders in which, I think Trump will win, or between Trump and Clinton of which I would not dare call?

Either way our country is SCREWED!!!!! Get out and Caucus or vote in your primaries – JUST DO IT!!!


#1linerWeds badge by

One Liner Wednesday is hosted by Linda G. Hill.

Slightly late SoCS

We’d have never known that in the space of 4 weeks we would lose (3) of our PRECIOUS and LOVED four legged babies. But that is exactly what happened between January 5th and February 6th. Below is my post from Saturday February 6th:


Unfortunately as a responsible and loving pet parent with multiple pet children you have to often make some difficult decisions. As everyone knows we have had some aggression issues within our pack causing us to lose our Tippy and our Buddy in less than three weeks. The aggression has continued in the last two weeks with our Fluffy, who was born in my bed in September 2012, the handsome boy in these pictures, being the aggressor and it only happens when we are not home. Because of this Cruz and I weighed all of our options, knowing that if we surrendered Fluffy and was honest about his aggressiveness they would not place him in a new home. Yesterday because of another incident we made the heartbreaking decision to take him to Dr. Homer and send him to chase the squirrels in the sky. This was even tougher because he was our grand-baby by Missy the little black dog in the picture and either Buddy or Stitch. This morning we took him and I held him and balled like a baby as it happened and after. I am ready for this madness to be over.

We wish we could’ve!!!!!!!!!!
