“W” is for Willingness and Wisdom as in”I have the Wisdom and Willingness to accept……”

This post is late and is for Monday April 27, 2015 and part of the Blogging from A to Z Challenge for April 2015!

As an individual in recovery from alcoholism and addiction to cocaine I often have to stop – breathe – and take a moment to say the following in its short form below I have posted the long form:

The Serenity Prayer

God Grant me the SERENITY to accept the things I can not change! The COURAGE to change the things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference.


The part of the prayer I quoted above is on the back of every Alcoholics Anonymous milestone chip whether it be the 24 Hour chip, 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, 6 months, 9 months, 1 year and multiples of years. I am very proud of mine  and carry two with me at all times – my 24 Hour chip and my 1 year chip as reminders of where I was and where I am now with a little over 1 year and 2 months being SOBER and CLEAN!! They are also a constant reminder of “TO THINE OWN SELF BE TRUE!!!!! The three tenets of any program that are most important are “UNITY, SERVICE and RECOVERY!”

24 hour chip

Before I received my 1 year Chip all of my chips were carried everywhere in my pocket and that is why they look so worn out!!

Before I received my 1 year Chip all of my chips were carried everywhere in my pocket and that is why they look so worn out!!


The last few weeks have been such a constant reminder for these words to be kept close to my heart and in my mind. I have written regarding my mother-in-law being in the hospital since 4/12/15 and that there have been multiple occasions where I have been reminded that I am not part of the family and have no say in whatever happens with her aftercare.

But, here’s what, today I have the “WISDOM” to know the difference between what I can and cannot change. I also have the “WILLINGNESS” to accept those things and not let them, as one of my sponsors says, “EAT MY LUNCH!” The greatest thing is that I have the “WISDOM, WILLINGNESS and COURAGE” to change those things that I can when it does come to communication with my husband’s siblings and their spouses. I love them all – I just do not respect them all because of the way they have all treated Cruz’s mother for almost nine years since their father died. The Fifth Commandment states “Thou shalt honor thy mother and thy father!” In my opinion at least six of his seven other siblings have definitely not followed this commandment.

I do not understand how all of a suddenly these individuals decide to act like they care! You cannot just all of a sudden become a termite or cockroach  and come out of the woodwork as though you love your mother so much and you are so worried about her well being! THAT’S NOT HOW IT WORKS!!!!

Until next time, that’s “What’s Rattling My Cage!”